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  • Writer's pictureKelsey Daingerfield

Project manage your life

Updated: Dec 19, 2021

Lean Persistence is a philosophy that developed out of a conversation with my dad about my imposter syndrome issues. Here I was finishing up my MBA and found myself still thinking what do I do next? What can I do? I'm not qualified. Note – I realize I am fortunate enough to say something like this, and I recognize that every day. What really hit me was my lack of confidence. Here I am a 32-year-old woman with two degrees, lean six sigma certified, able to raise a human, with two dogs and a full time job and I am still thinking I don’t know enough.

I told my dad, I wanted to be a lean process, project manager SME. But I don’t have any real project work under my belt. I’m not a subject matter expert in a specific field or industry. Hell, I’ve worked in almost every industry out there and I’m not even 35 yet. I have only scratched the surface; who am I to expect a certain salary, manage projects and lead a team? Plus, start my own blog or business on the side. My dad literally just stared at me.


Dad: Kels did Henry (my son) go to school (daycare) today?

Me: Yea, it’s a weekday why?

Dad: Do you send him to school with anything or just drop him off?

Me: I have to bring a blanket, sheet and cup. (Ton of voice was slightly annoyed, because my dad knows the routine for school).

Dad: How did you prepare his stuff?

Did you toss it all together this morning?

Me: Without even thinking I went “oh heck no, I get his bag ready the night before and keep it by the front table. Mornings are nuts, therefore I stage everything the night before so we can get up and go.

Me: I followed up with “I also prep our coffee the night before after I restock Henry's bag so I can start it quickly and hop in the shower. (Every minute counts in the morning when you have little monsters)

Dad: “KELS that right there is project management, that is identifying a routine and leaning out the process in order to simplify your life.”


My Dad continued to do this while covering various topics including work, previous jobs etc. While I may not be following the methodology by the book, I apply it throughout my day in every facet of my life, work, home, heck even laundry. I'm not the first person to deal with lack of confidence or imposter syndrome and I won’t be the last, but I recognize that it’s total crap.

I am a Project Manager, I don't need to have the title to believe it. I project manage my life and my lean approach and persistence allows me to apply my skills everywhere. The purpose of my blog, Lean Persistence is to have a place where I share my story, my processes and how I am leaning out my life and helping those around me. Lean can be applied in many ways and has many definitions. I like how open it is, keeps things fresh and creative. So welcome to Lean Persistence, I hope you find what you need to pursue your dreams and pick up some tips and tricks along the way.



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