When I was in college I always imagined myself being this successful, stylish executive who had it all, the job, the money, the husband, kids and house. I dressed like a fashionable New Yorker who nixed the power suit for jeans and stylish shoes, top and bag. I was managing my own business or some thriving corporate company where I called my shots. I never stopped to take into account the period between graduation and executive with a family.
Once you are able to walk and talk, you're pretty much handed a check list of things to do in order to become an adult. This list comes with directions and milestones to let you know you're going the right way. You may recognize this list. Either you've used it or you're currently showing somehow else how to follow it (there's nothing wrong with this by the way).
The check list looks something like this:
Pee in the potty - check
Graduate kindergarten - check
Graduate middle school - check
Learn how to parallel park - check
Graduate high school - check
College - is no even an option?
Graduate college - check
Congratulations - you have come to the end of the road! The next stop on your journey is adulthood!
I don't know about you but it's kind of messed up. While I had two awesome parents and was lucky enough to go to college and do all of the things I still found myself, going soooo what's next?
Growing up we are given an end goal and boundaries. We have family, teacher's, coaches etc. guiding us along the way to becoming adults. The next generation to join the workforce and change the world. But once we enter that world it's you're on your own kid! Some people are more driven than others and develop their plans in college and know exactly what to do, others (like myself) aren't.
We are so busy trying to find ourselves in college we haven't gotten to the next version of ourselves outside of school. Planning for the next five years of my life when I need to pass that final? That's crazy talk! Don't get me wrong I'm damn proud of what I have accomplished but I feel like there is something missing for those people still trying to figure out.
I wish I could go back in time and give myself guidance. Say hey girl, keep that persistence strong and don't let the doubt consume you. Keep voicing your opinions and pushing the envelope. There is nothing wrong with saying out loud what you want. You want your bosses job one day? Say it. Tell them, then ask them for honest feedback on where you currently are and what you need to do in order to get there.
I would also tell myself to not try and make that dinner that was so bad my dog wouldn't eat it. I would probably also recommending not dating that one guy (we all have that one person). Lastly, I'd make sure I didn't lose sight of myself by trying to hard to take care of others. I went through a quarter life crisis of not knowing who I was, what I wanted and feeling so horrible in my own skin that I wish I could go back and lift myself up.
To sum this rant up, what I am trying to say is live with persistence. Go after everything you want and chase those dreams. We don't have the same guidance as adults as we did as children and that's ok. You can guide yourself and don't be afraid to ask for help. Help can be found in friends, family, and even books.
My goal in life is to still be that badass executive or business owner, rocking jeans and t shirt with good shoes and a purse while having an awesome family at home cheering me on. Not to mention a super cute husband that cooks (ladies marry a man that cooks). But that path towards being the leader is still being paved and I know that the direction it leads to is one where I help others remove waste and distractions. Help them achieve their goals by bringing in an outside perspective, develop systems and processes that allow them focus in their zone of genus.
In conclusion. I hope this post made you laugh, and think back to all those things you've overcome and learned over the years. Be proud of yourself and everything you do, hold that head up and live with persistence.